Student Loan Consultations Only
Due to high demand in this specialized area, we are now charging a fee for our student loan strategy sessions.
But we offer a Consultation Guarantee:
- The fee is waived if you choose to retain us;
- Many times we can advise you how and what to do yourself during the consult which may avoid you having to hire an attorney altogether;
- If there is nothing further that can be done after we review your documentation, the call should last less than 15 minutes, and we will reduce the consultation fee by half (refunding one-half) and you'll have peace of mind that you are on top of your student loans.
Student loans are a big debt, and the work we do often means a savings of tens of thousands of dollars overall and hundreds less per month. Please see our client reviews for some of the great things we’ve been able to do to reduce student loan debt for real clients and I hope we see you soon!