Creditor Harassment

There is no fee in your FDCPA, TCPA OR FCCPA case unless we recover!!
Even if you owe the debt, consumer protections may afford you $500 - $1,500 per call to your cell phone if you’ve told a debt collector to stop calling you! This now even includes text messages per a January 2016 Supreme Court opinion.
Our firm represents consumers who are have suffered from collection harassment. Debt collectors are required to follow federal and Florida laws when collecting debts. Debt collectors often violate the law to seek payment from you. Most people simply take it, because they don't know their legal rights.
“Christie, and her associates are very effective in pursuing compensation from Companies and Banks that partake in harassing phone call practices. Your key to success is keeping detailed phone records for evidence of the harassing practice and hiring Christie Arkovich to represent you.”
So, please consider taking action by calling us if:
- You have told a debt collector not to call your cell phone and they do anyway.
- You have been harrassed by a collector (bad language, yelling, abusive) for not paying a bill?
- A collection agency has called your family, friends, or employer?
- Voice messages from debt collectors (improper because anyone could hear them)?
- A debt collector has told a relative or co-worker that you owe a debt?
- Called by a collection agency at your workplace after you have asked them not to?
- Suffered through abusive language or harassed by a collector?
- You are constantly receiving calls from an autodialer?
- Collection agency threatened to effect your immigration status?
Abusive bill collection practices may entitle you to damages. We do not charge costs or attorney's fees from you before we take action as we collect these directly from the debt collector in successful cases.
YOUR RIGHT TO SUE A DEBT COLLECTOR:You have the right to sue a debt collector within one year under federal law, and two years under Florida law from the date you believe the law was violated. You are entitled to receive $1,000 statutory damages under the FDCPA or the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act. The TCPA allows for a much greater recovery of $500-1500 per call to your cell phone where consent to call your cell has been revoked. In the event that you have suffered significant emotional harm, or a specific economic harm, you may be entitled to actual damages in a greater amount. Plus, you have the right to a free attorney because the debt collector is responsible for paying your attorney's fees plus court costs in these cases. Even bankruptcy trustees have begun to recognize the problem with out of control debt collectors that they will also bring lawsuits against creditors who have violated the rights of the bankruptcy debtors.
The rights afforded to you, as a consumer, under the FDCPA and FCCPA means that the debt collector who has violated your rights may be made to pay for statutory damages, actual damages, and your legal fees. Fees are contingent upon recovery and based off of a percentage for a TCPA case. Therefore, if we agree to represent you in any case, you won't pay any attorney's fees unless we win your case.
IMPORTANT STEPS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS:- Make a written note of the date, time and person you speak with when revoking consent to call your cell. This is as simple as you telling them not to call your cell any longer. Make sure they know it is a cell phone they are calling. Tell them more than once and write down each time you do. If they continue to call and a couple weeks have gone by, follow up in writing by certified mail return receipt requested if possible.
- Save all copies of the letters and notices from collection agencies, along with the envelopes if possible. Certain logos are improper that give the impression that you owe a debt.
- Save all phone messages and voice mails - this is very important! (But do NOT tape record someone without their consent because this is illegal in Florida).
- Take notes of names and conversations with these bill collectors.
- Take a digital photo of the caller ID with date and time (repeated calls even if unanswered during the day, or calls before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. are improper).
- Call or email us to determine if we can help you recover the statutory damages of up to $500-$1,000 per call, even if you owe the debt.
To further our commitment to our clients to stand up to abusive debt collectors, we have recently attended in June 2010 a specialized training course in Minneapolis offered by Pete Barry, Esq. Lawyers from 42 different states have attended Pete Barry's bootcamp to learn the nuts and bolts of this type of practice and to increase potential settlement value of cases.